We have agreed that these workers can also assess a test on day seven to be released from isolation after a negative test and allowed a level of freedom subject to the same restrictions as the previous day seven test. And the other issue. So firstly, can you confirm that there are some key workers on the island that are able to work alongside max workers without restrictions after seven days in the test? As I say, we have Mr. Khan, our consultant microbiologist as part of the group that feeds off information to the Council of Ministers when we’re making these decisions. Listening to Manx Radio on 1638 kHz. It’s fast moving, and we’ve got to get it right for the or as best as we can for the people of the island. Good afternoon, Paul mastermind. What I am doing is I’m reading out a letter which I have received from members of staff, which I received in the post yesterday, which I think is you know, which I think their view is just as legitimate as anyone elses. Thank you very much, Alex. We are lucky that we can celebrate these festivals with family and friends in the usual way. The is the Isle of Man Government website for Covid19/Coronavirus and provides information and advice for residents and businesses. He’s being accused of racism, or racist speech, or, if you prefer, not kowtowing to current fashion, and so is suspended from his show on that Manx radio. So your next question, Paul? Howard Quayle 17:17Well, these are things we’re looking at at this moment, Rob, it’s not an easy picture. Just remind you, Paul, before you start your second question, that we have Mr. Khan, who was head of our microbiology, and a number of highly qualified people in that team, who advise government and advise our goal committee on on decisions that which help the Council of Ministers form their decisions. And just Secondly, you indulge me slightly, I want to come back to July, when the governor results on COVID-19 antibody testing was published, and how far we’ve gone since then. David Ashford 22:22Yeah. Thanks very much, Alex, I’m Thank you all very much for your questions. Hello, this is Manx Radio. But if you visit the EU trade with the EU or come from the EU, then it is important to check if there is anything you need to do to prepare for these rule changes. As always, you should verify the transcript below from the audio – time stamps will help. There are new rules to follow when travelling to the EU, including information on travelling with pets. But we cannot make assumptions on the outcome of these talks. Jordan (caller) 16:19You think that just because lives are being brutalised and oppressed in a country anywhere around the world, not just in America? Dear minister, I’m writing to you to make you aware of how demoralised many of us feel over the media coverage of the last few weeks. That is that is it. Let’s go to line one. It is a real body blow. Stu Peters, a presenter on Manx Radio, has been suspended, pending an investigation, for an on-air exchange with a black caller. Any Manx Gaelic words are very likely to be very inaccurate. So what’s your advice to others who might find themselves in this rather difficult position where they can’t work, if someone in their household is self isolating? Okay, well, that was good. It’s 75 years since the end of World War Two and to mark the event on Manx Radio; an original drama from the award-winning playwright - Tony Perrin. We have very highly qualified microbiologists, we have very highly qualified staff in pathology, our entire system is not based around one individual person. The media reporting and social media comments that I’ve seen over the last week or so have left me feeling Why do I bother? And there has to be a medical benefit to actually doing that surveillance. But I think one of the important things to stress is our entire our entire response. I think we’ve got somebody else who wants to have a quick word. Due to the fact she has been working as part of a wider team. He said nothing racist, you can read the transcript for yourself. This is a very rough and unverified transcript of the Isle of Man Government Press Conference conducted on 30 October 2020. So please can I just appeal that we all uphold mutual tolerance and respect and continue to show that great community spirit that has really been at the forefront of this year. David, have you anything you want to add? And I want to put on record my sincere thanks to them today. Now this is just a flavour as there is too much to mention here. The scallop season is important to our local fish processing sector, and we have made arrangements for the catch from visiting boats to be landed. WATCH: Isle of Man Government Media Briefing - Wednesday 1st April 2020. What you said earlier, was a more to it that Have you got a full way forward from now on, and that you have a pathway that you can take? Before relying or quoting anything contained here, you should verify it against the underlying audio recorded here, IOM Health Minister claims to have destroyed his "Anonymous Letter", Creating Manx jobs to save Manx - and global - lives. Stay in. Programme transcript And that will tell us whether that person is free of the virus and then on a clinically based judgement, that person can go about their work. Howard Quayle on the Mannin Line, 3 June 2020. Every Saturday morning at much the same time - 8.30 to 10.30 on Manx Radio Chris Williams presents Carnaby Street. The script lay unread in her family’s archives until it was discovered by theatre producer Julius Green. That’s something we would have to look at again, but it’s not in our imminent plans at this moment. I am a black man that lives on the Isle of Man. But it seems a pointless exercise doing say 1000 tests a day when we haven’t bearing the cost when we haven’t got it in the community. There’s also within the medical side, we do have people that come over for the day, at which point we use a rapid test, which were limited to 16 a day to be able to do that that will give the result within about half an hour to an hour. So somebody does think they have symptoms, are you willing to expand the testing that they could self refer right rather than waiting to come into self isolation or anything like that? He has worked on several Manx Radio shows, most recently including The Late Show: Stu Peters; Late, Live & Unleashed! We can revisit everything but at the moment. Good afternoon, Alex festa. But we’re not discussing it at the moment and Council of Ministers just to reassure everyone. And now two questions from the media. Telegraph Expat contacted Manx Radio, which declined to comment on the issue as the police are looking into it. Now, to the layman. That’s what we’re here for. It was a technical presentation around how PCR works. Time Stamps and automatically-generated speaker names should help in the verification. As always, you should verify the transcript below from the audio before quoting and relying upon it. It we have our own qualified people who are full time employees of government advising the Council of Ministers on this one. But it needs to be done in a measured medical way. Suspense: My Dear Niece - transcript- from: Generic Radio "Mrs. Rogers was the kind of a lady to whom nothing ever happens -- a quiet widow, living in a quiet town, among quiet friends. Josem is an optimistic modern liberal. We have identified areas where our people and our businesses may need to do things differently. Fans at the Millwall match against QPR this evening have cheered players as they showed support for the Black Lives Matter movement. A low power station, on a very busy frequency, not often heard in Central France. And I know that some stuff within the department I’ve actually been quite upset about the way things have been reported over the last few weeks, in terms of the fact that it’s been suggested that everything is reliant on one person. Howard Quayle 34:46as this? Coronavirus topics renamed and some locked. And if we are asking people to isolate anyway, it doesn’t really provide us with any more reassurance than we have with people isolating now. Home : Explore the BBC: You and Yours - Transcript BBC Radio 4: Print This Page: TX: 17.08.05 - … Listening to Manx Radio on 1638 kHz. We did we won’t be setting up a self referral system because unfortunately, you will have people referring themselves time after time after time to be tested. Okay, thank. And we need to reverse that. Any Manx Gaelic words are very likely to be very inaccurate. Members of public, responding to proposals to overhaul the Isle of Man's criminal justice system, call for more "accountability" of the Manx courts. The article has truly peaked my interest. But again, that needs to be decided Is it the 14 days or otherwise, but one of the crucial things as well, is one of the things I’m not in favour of doing is going down the route of mandatory testing for people. Unknown Speaker 22:50everything new Well, today, obviously things can change. Stu peters has been suspended from his late night phone in talk show on Manx Radio after allegations of racism have been made against him after a rude caller Jordan Maguire ranted at him and did not allow Stu Peters to reply. I honestly don’t know where to start. transcript: "this is manx radio on 230 metres mediumwave, broadcasting also on v.h.f. … In fact, you’ve given me an ideal opportunity because I actually received a letter yesterday from a member of dhsc staff, which, with your indulgence to minister I will actually read. Contact him anytime by email to michael@michaeljosem.com or by phoning +447624488557. Howard Quayle on the Mannin Line, 3 June 2020. And I’m in no way comparing their sacrifices to that of protesters. Manx (Manx: Gaelg or Gailck, pronounced or or ), also known as Manx Gaelic, and also historically spelled Manks, is a Goidelic language of the Celtic language family, itself a branch of the Indo-European language family.The language of the Manx people was spoken as a first language on the Isle of Man until the death of the last native speaker, Ned Maddrell, in 1974. That was the course the other thing with seven day and test because there was a benefit to the individual from that because they were paying for the test. We are investigating all options on how we can recalibrate outlook. And if I could return to the issue of testing. Heads should roll at LBC for this marketing disaster. In other news saw this on a graph earlier. there remain However, some significant areas of disagreement. What do you perceive as the worst case scenario for the Isle of Man? I understand it really was a table tech tabletop exercise by komen, looking at all the different scenarios and you release some of that information there. Thanks very much, Josh. A wonderful soundscape featuring new and original PAMS jingles, the big hits and original studio quality commercials from the 60s first aired on Manx Radio and Radio Caroline. Um, David, you want to expand on the the other question? The time stamps below should help. Friday, May 15th, 2020 - 43 minutes It’s 75 years since the end of World War Two and to mark the event on Manx Radio; an original drama from the award-winning playwright - Tony Perrin. Reply. _pF_ Posts: 495. And this is another reason why it’s important, we try and protect against COVID-19. Jordan (caller) 17:12Okay, so when you saying all lives matter, that’s first of all is just derogatory and ridiculous. Here’s a transcript of the call between Stu Peters and ‘Jordan’ on Manx Radio last night. We now have a small number of cases among people self isolating, I can confirm that we have one new confirmed case, the individual reported symptoms while self isolating after travelling to the Isle of Man and close contacts have been identified. Search. Best of Brake Check Gone Wrong (Insurance Scam) & Instant Karma 2019 |Road Rage, Crashes Compilation - Duration: 15:20. Comments. Latin-based. Our mantra for the pandemic is very apt for the weekend ahead. If you. But I’ve got to say it has been a bit disappointing that I have heard reports in recent weeks of staff in GPS practices being spoken to rudely and even aggressively when the practice staff have asked the questions they need to ask before booking an appointment. David Ashford 28:53Yeah, the other thing we are doing, which we weren’t doing during the pandemic, due to the limited amount of capacity of testing is where a case emerges, like the chief minister’s just announce the case today, we are automatically sending for test any high risk contacts, so that even if they are not displaying symptoms, and they are still after they’ve been identified as a high risk contact, they will automatically be sent for testing. The Script - Six Degrees Of Separation Download. Jordan (caller) 18:07with you any longer with that with that kind of opinion. And what happened? The questionnaire is essentially a risk assessment, a basic screening which has been implemented on the basis of professional advice. You should not rely upon it — it is transcribed by an automated online speech recognition service, and I cannot guarantee its accuracy. further announcements will be made and the outcome from this work in the near future. We’ve got somebody else on line two! Yesterday, we had a look in detail at a number of options for modifying our testing regime. The fact that you’re starting that insinuating Manx protests over police brutality is pointless unless it’s in a destination that you deem fit is absurd. Jordan (caller) 15:53Today 2.3% of the island’s male population. This is exactly what white privilege is. Howard Quayle 39:53Yeah, I’m just finishing on that, that that that final point that Dave was just raised. Thank you. Their quarantine centre, I’m told is sort of a one two star establishment was sort of a bed and that’s about it. If you think, well, I’ve got a friend’s party down the road or a christening coming up, I’ve had a test, it’s fine. So with the situation on course to become worse before it gets better. We welcome the visit visiting fishermen. But there is no point just doing general community testing, because that is something you would do in the middle of a pandemic in order to try and trace the route. Telegraph Expat contacted Manx Radio, which declined to comment on the issue as the police are looking into it. And oh, David, would you add anything? Its far from a playing field. Here’s a transcript of the call between Stu Peters and ‘Jordan’ on Manx Radio last night. David Ashford 42:18Yeah, so in relation to what’s been termed long COVID. David Ashford 36:50just around border testing. Forum Member. new rules will come into force for the United Kingdom and ourselves from the first of January 2021. And all the full results of bastoni available anywhere. And that’s why I’ve always said that will be a game changer on how we go about everything that we do if that sort of test is developed. Thank you for your attendance and interest and see you next week. Howard Quayle 23:12Okay, thanks very much, Paul, we now move on to Simon Richardson from business 365. And I think it has made it a lot clearer to members of Tim Ward, why we use PCR testing, and why that is the gold standard test compared to all the tests that are on the market. David Ashford 39:19Yeah, just the final point as well is, you know, it’s a balance of between what would it actually give us compared to the cost? Now in retirement we catch up with one of the original greats of Manx Radio, David Callister, who looks back on his media career. So we’re ready for that. if you would, why don't you contact mr kennon, of eight pumice road, douglas, and you can see his litter of puppies. A study published this week by Imperial College London says the epidemic in England is accelerating with the number of infections doubling every nine days. The motion presentation. But as I say, sadly, the the South is starting to catch up with the north and there are predictions that the whole of the UK will be locked down. On reading the transcript of the program there was nothing racist in Stu peters comments. Isle of Man TV channel - produced by Paul Moulton for PMC-TV. Faster. David, if you wanted to further expand. But I can confirm one thing that will stay the same peel commissioners firework display will go ahead as normal from the breakwater tonight, and the organisers have worked around the new security measures there. Transcript: NPR's Full Interview With Former President Barack Obama He talked with NPR's Michel Martin about his new book; the 2020 election and … Stu Peters 15:38But who are you standing…. Search Manx Radio. But at this moment in time, we’re not seeing any one with a shining light that’s doing significantly better than the model that we’ve got. But if there are any tweaks going forward, then I’ve always said plagiarism is the most sincerest form of flattery and we’d be more than happy to adapt or copy. And secondly, especially if you’re free to go to free talks in department. how would you like a beautiful pedigree alsatian? But yeah, that’s a long COVID impact. Programme transcript Stu Peters (SP): Let's go to line one, I think we've got somebody else who wants to have a quick word. If we were to rely solely on border testing, the figures suggest that we would only pick up 7% of infected cases, through border testing, if you would do you would have to do later Testing Day five, day seven, as we were doing or day 10. Speaking at the government's daily media briefing, Howard Quayle said he had backed keeping the tramway from Derby Castle to the Sea Terminal. Last week, I promised we would look again at how we can help patients who travelled to the United Kingdom for medical treatment on a regular basis. Is there a point at which you would consider holding all on essential movements on and off the island again? I wish the both the media and those on social media would think before they publish or post and think about the demoralising effect that Ill informed comments can have on those of us who have been working above and beyond, day in and day out for over half a year. Whilst there is room for hope, there is still a very real possibility that they may yet fail. Having to isolate for 14 days after each visit means that some patients are in almost perpetual isolation if they then travel within two weeks for another appointment. But in terms of surveillance, like I say, we will be having conversations around that. Howard Quayle 38:04It’s highly complex. David Ashford 19:27And that’s only agree. Do we do testing on day seven, offer it to people do we do testing on even day 14. As always, you should verify the transcript below from the audio – time stamps will help. Stu Peters 15:10You can demonstrate anywhere you like. We have a test track and trace system that allows us to monitor the situation closely. how would you like a beautiful pedigree alsatian? Can you hear me? Forum Member 15/02/06 - 07:28 #3. ian collins on talksport has been reading the same advert . A wonderful soundscape featuring new and original PAMS jingles, the big hits and original studio quality commercials from the 60s first aired on Manx Radio and Radio Caroline. Manx (native name Gaelg or Gailck, pronounced [ɡilk] or [ɡilɡ] [5]), also known as Manx Gaelic, and as the Manks language, [6] is a Goidelic language of the Indo-European language family, historically spoken by the Manx people. ’ re doing an off test in the community of call when we to! 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