Themes / Gender equality themes. Among Roman authors an elevated Stoicism stressing the sense of duty is common to many, from Naevius, Ennius, and Cato to Virgil, Horace, and Seneca. The ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. If anyone strayed from this common structure it was a big deal and usually put down as soon as it began. The activities and influence of Europeans varied in different parts of the world. This was the same formula for most literature, art, and political ideas. ... PDF downloads of all 1383 LitCharts literature … Learn. David Grene and Richard 2nd Edition. He wrote lyrical, symbolic poems on pagan Irish themes, such as The Wanderings of Oisin (1889) and The Lake Isle of Innisfree (1893), in the romantic melancholy tone he believed characteristic of the ancient Celts. *Not Affiliated, Sponsored or Endorsed by any University. The growth of the middle classes in the 19th century tended to anchor men and women in ”separate spheres” and the elevation of women’s role in the home into “the cult of domesticity.” Early industrialism negatively affected the working classes, and more generally shifted the family from a unit of production to one of consumption. The end of the Cold War and the rise of the European Union brought some shared social values to light, as well as contested issues of immigration, guest workers, and the shifting religious and ethnic balance of Europe. At the same time, the migration of non-European people into Europe began to change the ethnic and religious composition of European society and to create uncertainties about European identity. Write. Beginning in the 15th century, European nations sent explorers into the world beyond the Mediterranean, establishing new shipping routes, trading stations, and, eventually, colonies in many parts of the globe. Large-scale production required capital investment, which led to the development of capitalism, justified by Adam Smith through the concept of the “invisible hand of the marketplace.” The growth of large-scale agriculture and factories changed social and economic relations. Between the wars Soviet communism theoretically endorsed equality, yet women often performed double duty as laborers and mothers, while kulaks were considered enemies of the state and thus liquidated. As Thomas Jefferson noted, the permanent moving forward of the boundaries and the idea of growth and multiplication enhanced the feeling of unfailing progress: "However our present interests may restrain us within our limits, it is impossible not to look forward to distant times, when our rapid multiplication will expand itself. In Praise of Antiheroes: Figures and Themes in Modern European Literature, 1830-1980 1st Edition by Victor Brombert (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating Whatever the motivations, these explorations created new, complex trade systems that profoundly affected European prosperity, patterns of consumption, commercial competition, and national rivalries. The history of European literature and of each of its standard periods can be illuminated by comparative consideration of the different literary languages within Europe and of the relationship of European literature to world literature. Humanistic Conception Towards the 18th Century European spirit of cosmopolitism which is encouraged by humanists, as heirs of Latin literary artistic and philosophical heritage, reflects in works of authors in the 18th century: Voltaire, Russo, and above all Goethe. Modernist writers broke new ground by experimenting with new forms and themes. Literary modernism, or modernist literature, originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and North America, and is characterized by a self-conscious break with traditional ways of writing, in both poetry and prose fiction.Modernists experimented with literary form and expression, as exemplified by Ezra Pound's maxim to "Make it new." . At the same time as Europe was experiencing the material consequences of its interaction with the world, European intellectuals began to describe and analyze the peoples and cultures with which they came into contact, as well as to collect and catalogue the flora and fauna they discovered. Council of Europe member states have made strong commitments to the effective realisation of gender equality agenda both through the implementation of standards and through measures and activities in six priority areas. He simply observed the physical world and, The folkloric tradition was so popular because people were able to relate to it. The love lyric has had a similarly heterogeneous background. * How and why did Europeans come to rely on the scientific method and reason in place of traditional authorities? The tone of literature shifted after years of grueling WWI combat. In the long view, war became increasingly costly, technologically sophisticated, and deadly. Firstly, McDonald's strategies in China will be compared and contrasted with those of Wal-Mart in Mexico. A human ideal is to be seen in the savage satire of Juvenal and in Anacreon’s songs of love and wine, as … Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Home » Browse » Literature » Literary Themes and Topics » Holocaust Literature » Holocaust Literature Holocaust Literature Great Adventures and Explorations from the Earliest Times to the Present, as Told by the Explorers Themselves By Vilhjalmur Stefansson; Olive … Thus, for example, there are a few novels and chronicles that "Major Themes In European Literature" (2013, January 10) Retrieved December 21, 2020, from, "Major Themes In European Literature" 10 January 2013. 2nd Edition. Despite female involvement in movements of cultural and social change, gender norms continued to stress women’s intellectual inferiority and their duty of obedience to fathers and husbands, as well as limit access to institutional power. Building off the voyages of exploration and colonization, the Commercial Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries involved a wide range of new financial and economic practices — such as joint-stock companies, widely capitalized banks, and triangular trade — all of which supported an emerging money economy. Electronic Inspiration LLC. According to Lionel Trilling, since the 16th century one of the most important themes in European literature is Sincerity, and later Authenticity. C LIT 350 Themes in World Literature: Parents and Children (5) VLPA World literature, from the Renaissance to modern times, based upon the theme of "parents and children." Starting in the 15th century, European thinkers began developing new methods for arriving at objective truth — substituting these methods for appeals to traditional authorities — and then gradually moved away from belief in absolute truths to increasingly subjective interpretations of reality. Demographic growth spurred social change in the 18th century. Beginning in the 19th century and accelerating in the 20th, European artists and intellectuals, along with a portion of the educated public, rejected absolute paradigms (whether idealist or scientific), replacing them with relative and subjective ones, as exemplified by existential philosophy, modern art, and postmodernist ideas and culture. Historians discuss major themes dealing vast variety materials events encounter studying history.Three themes Created by. In conquered territories, Europeans established new administrative, legal, and cultural institutions, and restructured colonial economies to meet European needs. The use of “race” as a primary category for differentiating peoples coincided with the expansion of slavery, as Europeans sought a work force for overseas plantations; this categorization helped Europeans justify the slave system. The “woman question” that had emerged in the 17th century took on a new intensity as women sought economic and legal rights. Still, commercial wealth generated resources for centralizing states, many of which, prior to the French Revolution, justified government management of trade, manufacturing, finance, and taxation through the theory of mercantilism. The vast and cruel slave system began to generate opposition in Europe beginning in the late 18th century. The Norman Conquest of 1066 CE established French as the language of literature and transformed the English language from Old English (in use c. 5… The Industrial Revolution created a division of social classes based on new criteria of capital and labor. African Literature: A Critical Overview. Social values and communal norms were sanctified by religion. Oedipus Rex. London: Longman, 1980. Under the influence of the French and Industrial Revolutions, intellectuals and activists attempted to employ a similarly “scientific” approach to the questions of political, social, and economic reform, resulting in the development of such ideologies as conservatism, liberalism, nationalism, socialism, and Marxism. Industrialization generated unprecedented levels of material prosperity for some Europeans, particularly during the Second Industrial Revolution (1850–1914), when an outburst of new technologies ushered Europe into modern mass society. Soviet Russia and its post–World War II satellites represented one path, while nations in western and central Europe modified laissez-faire capitalism with Keynesian budget and tax policies and an expanding welfare state. In India and China, centers of high civilizations, Europeans remained on the periphery in trading stations for centuries. Abolitionists objected to the system on humanitarian and religious grounds. Literary periods are spans of time for literature that shares intellectual, linguistic, religious, and artistic influences. Within those estates, family, religion, and landed wealth shaped social practices, and inequality of wealth prevailed within each estate. European influence. At the completion of this topic, the students must be able to: 1. Copyright 2020  . The results of this intellectual movement were impressive, producing a new understanding of the universe (often designated as Newtonian mechanics) and systems to organize and advance the growing body of knowledge of plants, animals, and minerals. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. pp. Commercial wealth helped transform a preindustrial economy based on guild production, cottage industry, and subsistence agriculture into one driven by market operations. David Grene and Richard Lattimore. Most of the stories simply had stock characters, similar to the, The expansion meant progress and it implemented the idea of progress into the minds of the new people. As Europeans expanded overseas, the theaters of European warfare expanded as well. Over time, the new method for acquiring knowledge through observation and experiment raised questions about the relationship between the observer and the observed. Yet, this critique of colonialism did not have an immediate effect, given that the 19th century proved to be a period of empire building. European literature of the 18th century refers to literature (poetry, drama, satire, and novels) produced in Europe during this period. Perhaps the most significant change since World War II has been the movement toward European economic unity and a common currency. Though policies of unity have supported Europe’s postwar economic miracle, they have also encountered challenges of a stagnating population, financial crises, and growing social welfare commitments. Get instant access to thousands high quality essay database with sample essays, which contains free essays, free term papers and free research papers on virtually any topic and/or subject. In the late 19th century, the scale and pace of conquest intensified because of asymmetries in military technology, communications, and national rivalries among the Great Powers. Beginning in the 19th century, new theories called into question the supremacy of reason and the possibility of finding objective truth in favor of subjective interpretations of reality and the importance of non-rational forces. During the Enlightenment, educated Europeans came to accept the world as governed by natural laws, accessible through systematic observation and articulated in mathematics. Focus upon the motive of generational conflict. Were Europeans driven primarily by the desire for more direct and secure trade routes, by the pursuit of new commercial wealth, or by religious zeal — the desire to convert new peoples to Christianity? 2020. In the mid–20th century, the rise of the United States as an economic and military power, two world wars, and the four-decades-long Cold War led to a decolonization movement that diminished Europe’s economic and diplomatic place in the world. Capitalism produced its own forms of poverty and social subjection. European literature in the 18th century. The Enlightenment brought a new emphasis on childhood as a stage of life, and the ideal of companionate marriage began to compete with arranged marriages. In the Americas, they created colonies and imposed their religious, social, and political institutions on the native peoples. 10-76. Major Themes in European Literature Term Paper. Wealth from commerce supported, in turn, the growth of industrial capitalism in subsequent centuries. . While most early modern Europeans continued to rely on religious authority and ancient texts for their knowledge of the world and as a standard of value, an increasing number argued that direct inquiry (philosophical and scientific) was the principal way to formulate truths and representations of reality. Colonial Life Factors At the end of the 20th century, Europe sought new ways of defining interactions among its own nations and with the rest of the world. All Rights Reserved. In physics, quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theories of relativity, which took the observer into account, challenged Newtonian mechanics, and, in psychology, Freud emphasized the importance of irrational drives in human behavior. contemplated an individual's relationship with his or her, Sixteen Illustrate the Major Theme of This, Historians Discuss Major Themes Dealing Vast Variety, Turkish Literature Compare Shahnameh With, Sixteen Illustrate The Major Theme Of This, Major Themes in European Literature Term Paper. INTERACTION OF EUROPE AND THE WORLD (INT) Motivated … Test. The literatures of Europe are compiled in many languages; among the most important of the modern written works are those in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Czech, Russian, Macedonian, the Scandinavian languages, Gaelic and Turkish.. The encounters with non-European peoples profoundly affected European trade, social life, and ideas. In preindustrial Europe, women’s and men’s work was complementary rather than separate, as peasants worked communally to bring in the harvest or artisanal women oversaw journeymen and apprentices, kept the books, and marketed the product. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (10) The American Dream. French journalists often refer to the language of another European country with its most famous writer. Antigone. contemplated an individual's relationship with his or her environment. Secondly, the role that various policies of various governments played in influencing the international expansion strategies of both McDonald's and Wal-Mart will. Mercantilism assumed that existing sources of wealth could not be expanded; accordingly, the only way to increase one’s economic power over others was to gain a greater share of the existing sources of wealth. (Renaissance 2010). As a result, mercantilism promoted commercial competition and warfare overseas. HUMANISTIC PRINCIPLES IN THE CIRCLE OF EUROPEAN LITERATURE THEMES 555 3. Early modern society was divided into the three estates: clergy, nobility, and commoners, which included merchants, townspeople, as well as the overwhelming majority, the peasantry. * How and why have tensions arisen between the individual and society over the course of European history? * What forms have family, class, and social groups taken in European history, and how have they changed over time? European literature includes literature in many languages; among the most important of the modern written works are those in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Czech, Russian, Bosnian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Irish. Renaissance literature refers to European literature that was influenced by the intellectual and cultural tendencies of the Renaissance. Within Europe, exposure to new peoples and cultures influenced art and literature, and spurred on efforts to find a scientific basis for “racial” difference. On the other hand, fascist regimes re-emphasized a domestic role for women and created states based on a mythical racial identity. Europe is one of the seven traditional continents of the Earth . Thesis examples on European Literature. The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of The European Old World vs. the American New World appears in each chapter of The Portrait of a Lady. Race, class and gender were highly important factors during colonial life in the country that would become the United States of America. 160-212. The French Revolution formally ended the division of society into three estates and continued to challenge traditional society throughout the 19th century, though remnants of the old order persisted into the 20th century. The military revolution of the early modern period forced states to find new and better sources of revenue, and it spurred the expansion of state control over political and economic functions. At, we provide students the tools they need to streamline their studying, researching, and writing tasks. Prosperity was never equally distributed, either geographically or by social class, and despite the wonders of the railroad and airplane, poverty never disappeared. -. For instance, His experiments in anatomy and the study of fluids, for example, absolutely blew away the accomplishments of his predecessors…the sheer range of topics that came under his inquiry is staggering: anatomy, zoology, botany, geology, optics, aerodynamics, and hydrodynamics among others. The Complete Greek Tragedies. After World War II, the welfare state emerged in Western Europe with more support for families, choices in reproduction, and state-sponsored health care. This is a list of European literatures.. After 1450, the old ideal that Europe constituted a unified Christendom was weakened by the rise of sovereign states. Flashcards. With the advent of the Reformation, new Protestant denominations contested with the Catholic Church and with each other to establish new religious practices and social values. Selections drawn from European, English, and American literature, not limited to period and genre. Philosophers of the natural world created a new theory of knowledge based on observation and experimentation, along with new institutions to put the new theories into practice. * How have encounters between Europe and the world shaped European culture, politics, and society? By the late 19th century, a new mass society had emerged defined by consumerism, expanding literacy, and new forms of leisure. The Complete Greek Tragedies. ... Read more. The poor were viewed as objects of charity or dangerous idlers requiring social control, such as disciplinary measures or confinement. Improved climate and diet supported a gradual population increase in the 18th century, and then came a seeming breakthrough of the Malthusian trap (the belief that population could not expand beyond the level of subsistence) with a population explosion in the industrial 19th century. Peasants left the countryside to work in the new factories, giving up lives as tenants on landlords' estates for wage labor. New commercial techniques and goods provided Europeans with an improved diet and standard of living. STUDY. Upvote (0) Downvote (0) Reply (0) Answer added by Deleted user 3 years ago . * How has the organization of society changed as a result of or in response to the development and spread of capitalism?