Launching spring 2017. Can we strive for it? No signup or install needed. The Catholic Feminist is a podcast for strong Catholic women who want to be inspired, informed, and intentional. I could start a mini-series, a YouTube channel, a book club, a membership site. Why is it so vital? It would be quite easy for me, at this point, to become a Professional Catholic: a speaker at conferences, on this plane or that, taking selfies and advertising my own thoughts. This podcast, its content, and its artwork are not owned by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Podchaser. He calls them “Catho-feminists.” Catho-feminists are practicing Catholics who adhere to the Church’s teachings but otherwise live their lives by the feminist code—they don’t take their husband’s last name, put their careers before their families, and have their own interpretation of Ephesians 5:24. We also discuss how listening has been bringing her closer to God lately and why she thinks women utilizing their own unique gifts is what will truly change the world. It has been an honor to learn from YOU, sister. Enjoy! In her story, we can find lessons learned about keeping, spreading, and living the faith. It’s harder to have conversations in a way that views each person as Imago Dei, searches for real solutions, and relies on grace. It seemed awkward and shameful. Monique is chatting with us all about how false chastity teachings can damage intimacy in marriage, what to do if intercourse is painful for you, and what it’s like being a doctor during COVID. Should it be? I am scared for my bank account and my career, and that old but-I’m-abandoning-my-mission feeling that snuck in after I left FOCUS is trying to rear its ugly head. We are all connected in the Eucharist, that source and summit of our faith, and that means we’ll never be far apart. Listen to The Catholic Feminist episodes free, on demand. They can be done in a group setting or solo. I loved talking to Jessica and I’m honored to feature our conversation today—enjoy! I think we've all gone through seasons where we want to delete our social media accounts and go live in a hut. To let things sink in before responding in a flash? I did. May we continue to believe in Christ, in the church, and in ourselves. Emily is a wife, mom, and passionate ministry worker who has some great insight into burnout. "The Church sees in the face of women the reflection of a beauty which mirrors the loftiest sentiments of which the human heart is capable: the self-offering totality of love; the strength that is capable of bearing the greatest sorrows; limitless fidelit I would like to educate myself without strangers on the internet telling me to “educate myself”, if that makes sense, and I would like to explore my own thoughts in a more long-form way without slapping an Instagram filter on them. That conversation is happening. Learn more here. Thankfully, marriage and family therapist Jessica Barboza could join me for a chat all about what marriage therapy is (and isn’t!) Can we have it? But I am saying, for now, “no, thank you.” I am looking at hopes I had for a long time and putting them to bed, knowing they aren’t going to happen. It doesn’t feel real or true. Plan a pilgrimage for 2021 and beyond by heading to Are they funny? What we as everyday Christians in the US can do to help Christian persecution, The power of prayer for persecuted Christians, Nigeria and the Christian genocide taking place there, The potential for persecution within the US, What’s been bringing her closer to God lately. Now? This podcast hasn't been reviewed yet. I have no shortage of ideas and plenty of work ethic. Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue. I’m not surprised that you’re on fire for the topics we discuss on this show. I could start a Patreon! Bring classics into your standardized testing by visiting and learning about this SAT/ACT alternative. You can do it, sister: that impossible thing of viewing people as image bearers of God. I absolutely loved her insight on intimacy: why do we all need it? It’s a beginning. Today’s guest, Katie Prejean McGrady, is a Catholic speaker who’s one of our most requested guests. You can check out my books. Peace be with you. It’s waiting to drive off to Catholic Celebrity Land, a place where I live out my days preaching the Gospel as a profession. Furthermore, the Catholic Feminist is at times preventing me from being the Catholic feminist I would like to be. When we hear “the troops”, we probably all have things pop into our head. The Catholic Feminist is transitioning to a twice-monthly newsletter. Even--especially--when others don't. The way her African-American heritage influences her music to this day, Her past relationship with a man who’s now a priest and how she sought wholeness afterwards, Finding true intimacy in all seasons of life, Her coping mechanisms for emotional resilience as a performer. This episode was also brought to you by . It’s not because I didn’t have time, it’s not because I didn’t have ideas, it’s not because I’m bored of it: it’s because I feel like God wants me to take a step back, focus on my family, evangelize through my fiction, and do more long form writing. Personally, it reminded me that all around the world, millions of Christians are being persecuted for their faith--that the ability to safely attend mass is a privilege I have that so many others don't. St. John Paul the Great said that intuition was one of a woman’s greatest gifts. We also discuss her conversion to the faith, if Ann struggles with comparison on Instagram, and how she balances the business side of her art. And so, there’s time for a choice: the bus is here, waiting for me to get on. Ann Vaeth of Paper Monestary is helping us understand how motherhood can HELP our art, not hinder it, and how she thrives as a Catholic artist when the artistic world is so secular. ‎The Catholic Feminist is a podcast for strong Catholic women who want to be inspired, informed, and intentional. As I have pointed out, the "balancing" of work life and family life at best puts these two spheres of life on the same level, thereby overlooking the pre-eminent importance of the family. And I know that right now, especially in America, we’re not. The women I interviewed and the women who listened. Go check it out and listen to his podcast, Smart Passive Income—he has many episodes on podcasting. Popular Catholic speakers? The Catholic Feminist is a podcast for strong Catholic women who want to be inspired, informed, and intentional. Today, I’m sharing one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever made: the Catholic Feminist’s season 4 finale episode in November will be its last. It’s a different space. Let’s talk about sex, baby 🎶😂 Today on the show we welcome back Dr. Monique Ruberu, a Catholic wife, mother, and OBGYN. I stink. Like so many things in life, there’s a West Wing episode that really encompasses my thoughts on prostitution. 983 talking about this. If I were to grow the Catholic Feminist, or even sustain it at its current infrastructure, it would require me to do things I don’t believe I’m being called to do. Today’s episode is also brought to you by Select International. Nancy Ray’s podcast episode on seasons of life. Come walk in the footsteps of our sister saints,… Tune in to hear why. Catholic and Feminist book. Enjoy! The female’s body knows when something just…ain’t right. I also enjoyed chatting with her about the word feminist: why is it so inflammatory? Are you a cradle Catholic or a loud & proud convert? Not me: us. And I’m doing what HE asks me to, every single time. Jesus hung out with the poor. We chat about why burnout occurs, why so many "wounded healers" enter ministry and mission work, and why there's *still* so much stigma around mental health issues in Catholicism. It’s important to me to explain the why behind this decision, because I know people have questions, and this is not as simple as “I don’t have time!” or “It’s too expensive!”, neither of which are actually true. We have changed the way the church talks about feminism. Are they diverse in thought and culture? Learn more here. This episode was brought to you by Gather Together, a new book out from Ave Maria Press. My husband has a name for Catholic feminists. Instead of being able to learn and morph and change opinions, I’m under a spotlight of my own making. 122 talking about this. Today’s guest, Bella Bryant, knows exactly what it’s like to suffer from pornography addiction. When the CFP finale airs in November, you can still get your Catholic feminism fix by reading Catholic essays, book roundups, guest articles, and more twice a month. Launching spring 2017. The Catholic Feminist is a podcast for strong Catholic women who want to be inspired, informed, and intentional. No matter what the feminist pundits claimed in the scholarly articles they churned out, the truth of the matter became blatantly clear: I had taken a life and I would never quite get over it. Amanda is a true gift to our church and I hope our conversation resonates with you! Elena and I are talking all about wealth: is it bad? What does burnout feel like? When I first read Sister Desiré's public letter on being the only black Felician sister, I was struck by one line in particular: that she felt invisible. In today's episode, we're talking with writer and podcaster Samantha Stephenson all about egg donation, surrogacy, and other troubling bioethics developments that the world accepts and the church refuses. This spring, when many of us were unable to attend Mass, we felt the ache for normalcy and the sacraments. This episode was also brought to you by Hallow, the meditation app for Catholics. Until we can answer this, we will find it difficult to think constructively about the prior question of whether it is possible simultaneously to be both Catholic and feminist. It’s a vulnerable minisode where I share a few things on … I’m not surprised that you’re on fire for the topics we discuss on this show. If you have greater than $4,000 in property or your bank account, congratulations—you’re in the top 50% of wealth owners in the world. The moral and scientific problems with surrogacy, “Post-birth abortion” and why we should be concerned, What’s been bringing Samantha closer to God lately. Her insight on the history of the field of psychology is so interesting, and I love what she has to say about knowing when it's time to seek counseling. What it’s like to influence survivors of abuse, What the Church needs to do to “move forward”. This episode was also brought to you by Sock Religious. It’s going to make some of you sad. Check it out at! For a free audio book and a free 30-day trial, head to That's how I was … Isn't surrogacy just helping women who want to have kids have them?! I am quite scared to do this, if I can be brutally honest. It’s one that will be fine. Jul 21: 12. We dive into allllll of it: why she thinks the Olympics committees dislike motherhood, why she’s so passionate about fitness, and why she thinks treating our bodies well is a way of loving God. And I feel strongly that Jesus, instead of asking me to pick up a cross and continue on, is giving me a different cross: one that looks like stepping back and resting a bit from this form of professional ministry, which I’ve engaged in for four years. These are the questions Emily and I tackle together, and it was a gift to have her on the show. During COVID, are you spending a lot more time online than usual? Today’s episode is brought to you by Select to Give, a charitable giving program that helps persecuted Christians in the Holy Land. The Catholic “both/and” is useful here: Feminism is both necessary for being a Catholic woman and one of the reasons you will be tested as a Catholic feminist. She’s also very passionate about the pre-cana experience and how our marriage prep classes often fail to truly prepare couples for the sacrament of marriage. To paint them as caricatures and dehumanize. I could drop some dollar bills on fancy branding. And I hope you know how thankful I am for you. Understanding history, both the good and the bad of it, is important if we want to learn from it and empower women as we move forward in New Feminism. I will not call you to less than that near-impossible task, only made possible with the blood of Jesus. In the meantime, tell your friends! Please consider shopping for books at your local indie! And she never stopped doing either! How Lindsey got started writing for the Chastity Project, Why she isn’t too keen on current Catholic fiction books. A podcast for strong Catholic women who want to feel inspired, informed, and intentional. Subscribe to receive notifications by email whenever this podcast releases new episodes. In today’s episode, we’re chatting with Karna Lozoya, a veteran Catholic reporter with a nose for news and a passion for the truth. Sex and the Catholic Feminist takes the reader on an enlightening journey as to exactly how some of the most remarkable female leaders in history began their quest by helping women, but ultimately, ended up hurting them in many ways. Why is that? Enjoy! Today’s guest is Elena Nunez Murdock, a passionate Latina and entrepreneur whose new company, Mission 2 Launch, helps Catholics transform their careers. I am trusting he’s got some kind of wild plan for me, or perhaps, the wildest thing of all: that I am just not as seen. In fact, the Catholic Feminist makes me money through advertisers and social media partnerships, so I will be taking a major financial hit by ending it. Hearing that call change, and accepting it with open arms. Usually I keep our emails exclusive to subscribers, but this one seems especially important, so I’ve pasted it below. I loved chatting with Danielle today all about the beauty of art within the Catholic Church, what COVID has been like as a musician, and what her songwriting process entails. What do the Catholic Feminist Bible Studies consist of? This episode was brought to you by Ave Explores, an initiative of Ave Maria Press. 242 talking about this. When you know it’s THAT large a number, you know it has to be an awful lot of Catholics engaging in practices that dehumanize our brothers and sisters and shred God’s design for healthy sex. Today, Amanda is an accomplished musician with four kids who spreads the Gospel through the gift of music. The Catholic Feminist is not me, a person: it is us, a Church. Know that the Catholic Feminist as a “brand” isn’t going away, it’s simply changing and taking a giant step back. I have a big announcement. And I believe you make time for the things you want to make time for; “I don’t have time” feels like a fallacy. I hope you understand. This episode has also been brought to you by the CLT exam. It’s time, now, for you to do those things. How do you know if you should step away from your ministry job? I could run a more debate-styled show! We also chat about her work with the Chastity Project and she tries to convince me to outline my writing projects, which...I'm still not 100% sold on. If I know nothing else in life it’s that radical trust in Jesus has never failed me, and it won’t start to now. I have always hoped to lead by example. A place I could almost certainly thrive in and make a living in. I am not having a crisis of faith: I am as Catholic as I’ve ever been, and I feel the gospel beating through my veins. I’m crying in a Starbucks.). Minisode: WE'RE GOING ON PILGRIMAGE! And yet, none of those feels like the right thing to do. Why are we hemorrhaging Catholics? She’s here to share her story of healing, how her sexual abuse as a child impacted her addiction, and why she’s so focused on helping others know their true worth and break the bonds of porn. I know! Please, please, please stay connected with the Catholic Feminist! With Claire Swinarski, 191 episodes. Why Mallory began to consider leaving the Catholic Church, Our culture’s refusal to allow us to ponder, If being a “good person” is “enough”. This episode has been brought to you by Audible. The importance of counseling in her journey, How she became brave enough to talk about her struggles, Why no amount of pornography is healthy or good, Why coercion and porn are intrinsically linked. This is a heavy topic handled with grace and compassion, and while it may frustrate you as it did me, I hope that it also empowers you to constantly speak the truth, no matter what the consequences may be. Enjoy! You can. When the CFP finale airs in November, you can still get your Catholic feminism fix by reading Catholic essays, book roundups, guest articles, and more twice a month. How Sr. Desiré discerned the Felician sisters, Why she wrote her public letter on racism, What she wants seen done in terms of racial justice, What bothers her about the phrase “I don’t see color”, What’s been bringing Sr. If so...who are you paying attention to? Her commentary is boldly Catholic and deeply insightful, with a perspective you’re not likely to hear anywhere else.After a few episodes, this one is guaranteed to become one of your regular podcasts. 📚If you love Jesus and love books, but don't always love books *about* Jesus, this ones for you. Each week, we interview Catholic women on topics like poverty, refugees, eating disorders, mental health, and women's rights. from The Catholic Feminist on Podchaser, aired Thursday, 24th October 2019. 9 talking about this. 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